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HOQ - House of Quality - For Ideas Testing & Analysis

HOQ or 'House of Quality is a very important concept in QFD i.e. quality function deployment. The core concept here is to bring in the voice of the customer to the entire product or process enhancement or selection. The method was developed in Japan by Yoji Akao, he states it as

method to transform qualitative user demands into quantitative parameters, to deploy the functions forming quality, and to deploy methods for achieving the design quality into subsystems and component parts, and ultimately to specific elements of the manufacturing process*

Though initially developed to enhance manufacturing products, its style and concept are so simple that its current usage and application are endless and can be used in almost all fields. A very powerful tool to convert qualitative input into a quantifiable format, which can further use for engineering analysis.

A sample snapshot of it is attached below for easy reference;

The Central tool of QFD > HOQ - "The Voice of Customer"

Here, there are no hard and fast rules for symbols, parameters, and configurations.

In my past experiences, working with DLR (German Aerospace Center), I have used the HOQs concept to enhance the production process or semi-automate the manufacturing of aircraft parts.

I have developed a handy guide that can be used to work ASAP and help in starting off the work. I have attached the HOQ guide below for ready reference;

Further the data developed passes through stages to consider other parameters or process and evaluate on the entire scale of ideation, design, production and sales. Below is a snapshot of multiple stages;

House of quality is 'How' of data developed and it becomes 'What' for the data of other subsequent houses. And when all the entire houses are linked together than the 'Voice of customer' passes through the entire production channel.

Below is the snap shot of HOQs another model, it shows the variability and adoptabiity of the way HOQs can be designed and utlizie for different purpose and fields.

Hope the reader finds value in the above content and utilize it for developing their own set of ideas and processes.



**Delft design guide

***American supplier institute inc


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